Water System Modeling and Evaluation
Woodsville, NH
Dufresne Group personnel have provided engineering services to the Woodsville Water and Light Department for decades. Staff at Dufresne Group developed the water system computer model and provide periodic updates as improvements are constructed.
Using the computer model, Dufresne Group assisted Woodsville in the analysis of water system improvements constructed and paid for under a Wal-Mart project in 2007. Dufresne Group also used the water system model in review of a water storage tank constructed by the Grafton County Complex.
Dufresne Group provided preliminary water main size analysis using the water system model and also provided final design services for the Pine Street Water Main Replacement Project. The model has also been utilized to evaluate potential interconnections with adjacent public water systems.
Key Features
KYPIPE® DOS based model updated to WaterGEMS®, provided a major improvement with graphic interface abilities and mapping.
Modeling project funded in part by NH Grant monies.
Ongoing model maintenance allows Woodsville to evaluate the effect of proposed developments and system improvements.
Kevin Shelton, Woodsville Village Administrator
4900 Dartmouth College Highway
Woodsville, NH 03785
Phone: 603. 747.2442