Stormwater Preliminary Design
Chester, VT
The Flamstead Acres and Mountain View residential subdivisions in Chester were developed in the 1940s. These areas are served by municipal water and sewer as well as by a limited stormwater drainage system. Stormwater collection has long been a problem for these town roadways, as the system is not continuous throughout the developments, and high seasonal groundwater creates issues with the municipal wastewater system. Many residents have sump pumps that discharge to the sewer collection system, causing overloading at the wastewater treatment plant during the spring when both inflow and infiltration are at peak levels.
Preliminary engineering work involves a study of options to collection stormwater from all streets in the project area. The collection system provides the opportunity to address and eliminate the sump pump discharges as part of the project.
The proposed collection system will discharge to the Williams River, with stormwater treatment system(s) preceding the outfall. The treatment systems will consider infiltration as potential alternative along with other concepts to address stormwater management and green infrastructure design criteria.
Key Features
Alternative discharge locations at existing outfalls reduce the Town’s requirements for securing easements or property acquisition.
Coordination with multiple Agency of Natural Resource Representatives including: Floodplain Manager, River Scientist and Stream Alteration Engineer
100% grant through the 2019 Clean Water Design/Implementation Block Grant program
Julie Hance, Town Manager
P.O. Box 370
Chester, VT 05143
Phone: 802.875.2173