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Sidewalk Restoration Project

Readsboro, VT

The Town of Readsboro was awarded a VTrans Transportation Alternatives Grant for the design and construction of 4,175 linear foot of sidewalk replacement and extension along Main Street (Route 100), School Street and Tunnel Street.  Dufresne Group was hired by the Town of Readsboro for the final design phase of the project.


The design included a 4-foot wide concrete sidewalk with granite curb to replace the existing deteriorating sidewalks.  The new sidewalk was limited to 4-feet wide due to physical constraints such as buildings, porches and retaining walls.  ADA compliance was achieved by providing 5-foot wide passing zones at driveway crossings.  Dufresne Group coordinated the design of this project with a State bridge replacement project at the eastern extent of the project area.


On School Street, the road was narrowed by moving the curb alignment south to allow for space between the new sidewalk and existing porches and buildings.  On Tunnel Street, the sidewalk was extended to provide connectivity to the church and an assisted living facility.


This project was significantly delayed during the Categorical Exclusion review as there were several historic properties along the project area, although none of the historic properties were impacted.


This project was advertised for public bid in April 2018 and constructed in Summer/Fall 2018. 

Key Features

  • Design of 4,175 linear feet of 4-foot wide sidewalk replacement and extension in a highly developed village setting with many physical constraints.

  • ADA compliance achieved by providing passing zones at driveway crossings.

  • Property owner meetings to answer questions regarding easements, including visits to each affected property to individually discuss impacts with property owners.

  • Coordinated with VTrans for an adjacent bridge replacement project.

Amber Holland, Town Administrator
P.O. Box 187
Readsboro, VT 05350
Phone: 802.423.5652

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