S. Main Street Sidewalk
Wilmington, VT
The Town of Wilmington was awarded a Downtown Transportation Grant through VTrans and the Agency of Commerce and Community Development for the design and construction of 360 linear feet of sidewalk replacement along South Main Street. Dufresne Group was hired by the Town of Wilmington for the final design phase of the project.
The design included a 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk with granite curb to replace the existing 4-foot wide sidewalks. The project also included the installation of 4 new pedestrian lights. There were several gardens immediately adjacent to the existing sidewalk that were impacted; however, property owners were in favor of the project and agreed to the impacts. The porch at the church entry required that the sidewalk be narrowed to 4-feet wide to maintain the curb line.
This project included relocation of a historic monument in front of the library. The monument was formerly a water fountain with a light. The Town chose to abandon the water service and reuse the light. DG provided a design for rewiring the light and integrating it into the new lighting controls.
DG coordinated the lighting design with a previous sidewalk project on West Main Street to provide continuity of materials throughout the downtown area.
This project began final design in 2018 and was constructed in 2019.
Key Features
Relocation of a historic monument, including rewiring of a light fixture and integration into the new lighting controls.
Design of sidewalk to minimize significant impacts to gardens immediately adjacent to the sidewalk.
Design for four new pedestrian lights spaced throughout the project area.
Coordinated specifications and design with a previous sidewalk project on West Main Street to provide continuity of materials throughout the downtown area.
Gretchen Havreluk, Economic Development Specialist
P.O. Box 217
Wilmington, VT 05363
Phone: 802.464.8591