Recreational Park Pedestrian Access
Arlington, VT
The Town of Arlington was awarded a VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Grant for the design and construction of 1,450 linear feet of sidewalk replacement and extension along Route 7A from the Town Office to the Arlington Recreational Park. Dufresne Group was selected by the Town of Arlington and BCRC for the final design phase.
The existing marble sidewalk extended approximately 430 feet north of the Town Office. This section was planned to be replaced with new 5-foot wide concrete sidewalk with marble inlay. Beyond the extent of the existing sidewalk, the design included concrete sidewalk on the east side of the road to a new crosswalk across Route 7A with rapid rectangular flashing beacons to increase visibility and safety. On the west side of the road, the design consisted of an 8-foot wide asphalt shared use path, separated from the road by a buffer of trees and brush.
The biggest challenge in this project was a 200-foot wide curb cut at a commercial property on the north end of the project. Vertical granite curb could not be used to create pedestrian islands as it would limit access to the fuel pumps for large trucks. Dufresne Group worked with the Town, BCRC, VTrans and the property owner to design a solution to maintain access and improve pedestrian safety, which included the use of sloped granite curb to create mountable islands.
This project is anticipated to be constructed in 2022.
Key Features
Design of 1,450 linear feet of concrete sidewalk, marble inlay concrete sidewalk and asphalt shared use path in a historic village setting.
Marble inlay designed in the area of sidewalk replacement to maintain historic character.
RRFBs designed at new crosswalk to increase pedestrian safety in an area where vehicles often exceed the speed limit.
Coordinated with VTrans District 1 and Utilities/Permits Section design at the wide curb cut and permitting.
Mark Anders, LPM
Bennington County Regional Commission
210 South Street, Suite 6
Bennington, VT 05201
Phone: 802.442.0713