Lead Lines and Undersized Pipe Replacements
Claremont, NH
As part of the City’s initiative to Get the Lead Out, the Water Department began identifying and replacing lead services throughout the system in 2016. In 2020, the City combined the lead service replacement program with a capital planning program for replacing deficient water main. They also proactively planned for compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule Revision to address requirements for full replacement of lead and galvanized services.
The phased 2 project included the replacement of undersized water mains in several areas of the water system with new C900 PVC pipe, valves, hydrants, and water services. Within three years, the City designed and constructed 25,800 linear feet of replacement water main.
These projects have been funded by the NHDES State Revolving Loan Fund, ARPA funds and the Drinking Water Groundwater Trust Fund:
$500,000 SRF Loan
$2,000,000 SRF Loan/DWGTF
$2,590,000 SRF Loan/ARPA grant
$2,500,000 SRF Loan/Grant
$1,168,000 DWGTF Grant
Key Features
Design, permitting, and construction of water main on over 20 City streets, with pavement replacement and drainage improvements
Phase 2 Funding assistance equivalent to a 32.5% grant, with the NH Groundwater Trust Fund and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
A 12” diameter water main design project was combined with the NHDOT project for reconstructed North Street and Main Street
Water service replacement from curb stop to building (utility -owned and private-owned) included for compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule Revision
DG was very prompt in their responses, thorough in their research, planning, and execution. They continuously provided excellent service throughout all phases of the project.
Alex Gleeson, Dir. Of Public Works
8 Grandview Avenue
Claremont, NH 03743
Phone: 603.542.7020