Carbon Activated Power Feed System
Champlain Water District, Burlington, VT
Lampricide treatment using TFM (3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol) on the LaPlatte River prompted the need to ensure Champlain Water District (CWD) customers were protected from concentrations above 3 parts per million.
Powdered activated carbon was selected as the best alternative for ensuring removal of this synthetic organic contaminant should it show up in the raw water feed to the CWD Water Treatment Facility. After evaluation of three potential PAC system suppliers, the Norit-Cabot system was selected due to their experience in Vermont and their ability to supply a PAC feed system on a fast-track basis.
Dufresne Group completed the Preliminary Engineering Report, Final Design, and also provided assistance during piloting and start up phases. Dufresne Group has designed PAC feed systems for several other water treatment facilities including
Burlington, Barre, Montpelier, and Lebanon, NH.
Fast Track Project Schedule
Contract dated August 26, 2016
Draft PER sent on August 31 , 2016
Pilot Activities completed on Sept 1, 2016
Final PER sent on September 7, 2016
Operational Oct 2016
Key Features
TFM time of year application program required an accelerated schedule for the PER and Final Design
PAC slurry education system allows PAC feed without pumps
Process monitoring of PAC by CWD water quality staff showed substantial reduction in THMFP, HAAFP, and TOC
CWD opted to purchase the PAC feed system to allow operation for possible use with cyanobacteria or other unregulated contaminants
great quote goes here
Joseph Duncan, Director of Projects & Programs/Chief Engineer
403 Queen City Park Road
South Burlington, Vermont 05403
Phone: (802) 864-7454