Water System Improvements & Municipal Connection
Montpelier, VT
After experiencing a significant decline in source well production the Murray Hill Homeowners Association consulted with Dufresne Group to evaluate and design water system improvements to improve the reliability of source of supply to the development.
The Preliminary Engineering Report evaluated replacing the bedrock wells and maintaining the system as a standalone community water system or connecting the system to the City of Montpelier’s distribution network eliminating the standalone system. DG utilized a calibrated water system model to evaluate connection route alternatives and ultimately recommended that the Association connect to the City of Montpelier’s system. Benefits of interconnecting included the addition of fire flow and hydrants within the development and transferring custody of ownership and operation of the Murray Hill system to the City.
Dufresne Group designed and permitted the interconnection route, booster pump station improvements, and demolition of the well source infrastructure.
All phases of the project were funded through the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (DWSRF) with a portion of the construction shared by the City of Montpelier. The project included:
Installation of 1,200 LF of 8-inch HDPE water Main
Installation of 3 fire hydrants
Abandonment of existing wells and treatment building
Booster pump station improvements with updated pumps, controls, and SCADA.
Geogrid for access driveway to pump station
Key Features
Use of a calibrated water model to evaluate hydraulics of various interconnection alternatives.
Coordination between the HOA, the City, regulatory agencies, and funding agency. Public meeting to interface with the HOA public and provide education on the City’s water quality and operations.
HDPE water main due to corrosive soils concerns in the City of Montpelier.
Recommended the installation of residential PRV’s at services within the development with increased pressure over 80 psi.
Total Project Budget $619,919
Jim Tringe – HOA Project Coordinator
PO Box 1554
Montpelier, VT 05601