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Water Storage Tank & Water Main Improvements

Chester, VT

The Chester water system was last upgraded in the early 1980s.  Following a comprehensive evaluation of the water system in 2014, Dufresne Group designed improvements to address inadequate pressures during fire flows, provide storage reliability and replace deteriorated water main.  The project included: 


  • 3,600 ft of 12-inch diameter pipe on Route 103 replacing asbestos cement pipe

  • 500 ft of 8-inch diameter pipe on Breezy Lane

  • 330,000 gallon precast-prestressed concrete water storage tank

  • 3,000 ft of 12-inch diameter water transmission main

  • Land purchase

  • Solar powered mixer at the new tank

  • Mixer at the existing storage tank

  • Existing tank cleaning and recoating


The $4,050,000 total project cost is funded through the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund with assistance from the Vermont Municipal Bond Bank.

Key Features

  • The tank site represents the least expensive cost alternative, with a $1,000,000 saving over two alternative sites evaluated, and the least environmental impact. The tank site also realizes the Town’s goals for developing additional recreational facilities, land preservation and a potential future Town aggregate source.

  • The second water storage tank substantially improves system hydraulics and resolves all fire flow deficiencies. The second storage facility resolved operational deficiencies, allows the original tank to be taken off-line for maintenance and ensures continued water supply to Green Mountain Union High School.

Julie Hance, Town Manager
PO Box 370
Chester, VT 05143
Phone: 802.875.2173

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