Water Storage Tank & Water Main Improvements
Chester, VT
The Chester water system was last upgraded in the early 1980s. Following a comprehensive evaluation of the water system in 2014, Dufresne Group designed improvements to address inadequate pressures during fire flows, provide storage reliability and replace deteriorated water main. The project included:
3,600 ft of 12-inch diameter pipe on Route 103 replacing asbestos cement pipe
500 ft of 8-inch diameter pipe on Breezy Lane
330,000 gallon precast-prestressed concrete water storage tank
3,000 ft of 12-inch diameter water transmission main
Land purchase
Solar powered mixer at the new tank
Mixer at the existing storage tank
Existing tank cleaning and recoating
The $4,050,000 total project cost is funded through the Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund with assistance from the Vermont Municipal Bond Bank.
Key Features
The tank site represents the least expensive cost alternative, with a $1,000,000 saving over two alternative sites evaluated, and the least environmental impact. The tank site also realizes the Town’s goals for developing additional recreational facilities, land preservation and a potential future Town aggregate source.
The second water storage tank substantially improves system hydraulics and resolves all fire flow deficiencies. The second storage facility resolved operational deficiencies, allows the original tank to be taken off-line for maintenance and ensures continued water supply to Green Mountain Union High School.
Julie Hance, Town Manager
PO Box 370
Chester, VT 05143
Phone: 802.875.2173